This page outlines the tasks that are necessary to design and create your 'web presence'
One of the advantages to using our service is that we are available to help you do all of these tasks. We can provide guidance, research, and ideas. There are even some things can do it for you for additional fees.
Here is the basic outline:
Here is the basic outline:
- Determine the Content You Want To Publish
- Research How People Find That Content on the Web (develop Keyword/phrase list)
- Choose Domain(s)
- Create The Content so that it Utilizes the Information from the Research
- Place "static" Content onto your Web Site Pages
- Place "dynamic" Content onto your Blog Pages
- Create Videos and Images that can be Published on YouTube, Vine, Pinterest, and Instagram
- Create Social Media Profiles for each of the Main SM Sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.)
- Provide Links back and forth between Social Profiles and Web Site
- Find Content that can be Reused or Modified
- Find Links to Relevant Content (external)
- Determine Tools for Automating Sharing, Publication, and Syndication
- Market Site via Social Media